- Center
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- Staff
- Former Staff
- Fellows 2020/21
- Dr. Javier Albarrán Iruela
- Prof. Dr. Peter Fibiger Bang
- Prof. Dr. Darío Bernal Casasola
- Prof. Dr. Abdelmouhcin Cheddad
- Prof. Dr. Pablo C. Díaz Martínez
- Prof. Dr. Ricardo González Villaescusa
- Dr. Luke Lavan
- Dr. Stefanie Lenk
- Dr. Eneko López Martínez de Marigorta
- Prof. Dr. Volker Menze
- Dr. Paulo Pachá
- Dr. Ruth Pliego
- Prof. Dr. Ramzi Rouighi
- Dr. Daniel Syrbe
- Prof. Dr. Felix Teichner
- Dr. Leticia Tobalina Pulido
- Dr. Chokri Touihri
- Dr. Morgane Uberti
- Fellows 2021/22
- Dr. Elsa Cardoso
- Dr. Moheddine Chaouali
- Dr. Pedro David Conesa Navarro
- Dr. Lilian Regina Diniz Goncalves
- Dr. des. Eugenio Garosi
- Dr. Jasmin Hettinger
- Dr. Michael J. Kelly
- Dr. des. Lorenzo Livorsi
- Dr. José Carlos López Gómez
- Dr. des. Mohamed Arbi Nsiri
- Prof. Dr. Lauro Olmo Enciso
- Prof. Dr. Arietta Papaconstantinou
- Dr. Catalin Pavel
- Fellows 2022/23
- Dr. Hamden Ben Romdhane
- Dr. Ralf Bockmann
- Dr. Amel Bouder
- Dr. Nouri Boukhchim
- Dr. Jelle Bruning
- Dr. Angelo Castrorao Barba
- Prof. Dr. Abdelmouhcin Cheddad
- Dr. Fabrizio Ducati
- Dr. Paloma Martín-Esperanza Montilla
- Prof. Dr. Maribel Fierro
- Prof. Dr. Enrique García Riaza
- Prof. Dr. José Antonio Garriguet Mata
- Dr. Carmen González Gutiérrez
- Prof. Dr. Ignasi Grau Mira
- Dr. Dana Katz
- Dr. Janine Lehmann
- Dr. Meriem Marzouki
- Dr. Paulo Pachá
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Schattner
- Fellows 2023/24
- Prof. Dr. Abigail Balbale
- Dr. Mohamed Ben Nejma
- Prof. Dr. Rafael Blanco-Guzmán
- Dr. Amel Bouder
- Dr. Joan Negre
- Dr. Nouri Boukhchim
- Prof. Dr. Rezki Chergui
- Prof. Dr. Antonio E. Felle
- Dr. Corisande Fenwick
- Prof. Dr. Eric Fournier
- Dr. Carolyn T. La Rocco
- Prof. Dr. Jorge López Quiroga
- Dr. Ing. Heike Lehmann
- Dr. Meriem Marzouki
- Jun. Prof. Dr. Katharina Meinecke
- Dr. Isabelle Mossong
- Prof. Dr. Kristina Richardson
- Dr. Fedor Schlimbach
- Dr. Antonello Vilella
- Dr. Chokri Touihri
- Fellows 2024/25
- Guests
- Advisory Board
- Quick Directory
- News and Events
- News
- Lecture Series RomanIslam
- Boundaries and Authority I
- Boundaries and Authority II
- Changing Agricultural Landscapes
- Cities and Societies
- Cities and their Hinterland
- Cities in Competition
- Conversion as Soul Searching and Add-on conversion
- Conzeptualizing Public Spaces
- Diplomacy in Political Fragmentation
- Empowering the Sacred Spaces
- Endangered Harbour Towns
- Factionalism in the Military
- Formation of Legal Authority and Practices of Justice
- Frontier Cities
- Gardens of Power
- Gender and Social Control: The Role of the Women
- Inscribing Power in Coinage
- Ivories in Roman and Islamic Contexts
- Land, Taxation and the Power of State
- Luxury Ceramics
- Luxury of Water
- Monasteries and Ribats as seat of religious devotion and power
- Monumental Structures
- Music in the Roman and Islamic Empire
- Possessing Prestige? Religious Attitudes toward Objects
- Prestigious Clothing
- Religion and Ethnicity
- Religions and Empires
- Religious Power and Religious Opposition
- Religious Violence and Alterity
- Sacred Spaces: Churches and Mosques within the society
- Slavery in the Iberian Peninsula and Islamic North Africa
- Society and the Afterlife of a Believer
- Urban Networks
- Lecture Series RomanIslam - German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Rome
- Understanding Utica over the longue durée
- Meninx (Djerba) in the light of new archaeological research: methods, results and perspectives
- Carthage and its region. Landscape development from the Roman period through Late Antiquity
- The reassembly of the sculpture collection of the National Museum of Cherchell (Algeria)
- Zooming into the long urban history of Simitthus, re-evaluating the 1980-excavations East of the Roman forum
- Towns and governors under Diocletian: revisiting the building inscriptions of T. Aurelius Aristobulus and C. Macrinius Sossianus in Africa Proconsularis and Numidia
- Lecture Series "Key Words"
- Round Tables / Book presentations
- A Companion to North Africa in Antiquity
- A History of the Muslim World: From Its Origin to the Dawn of Modernity
- Between Sahara and Sea. Africa in the Roman Empire
- Il secolo dei Vandali. Storia di un’integrazione fallita
- Imperial Representation and Masculinity: Pacatus’s Praise of Theodosius
- Late Roman Italy. Imperium to Regnum
- Workshops
- Silver and Gold for the Empire, June 20, 2024
- The Quest and Conquest of Capital Cities in the "Translatio Imperii”
- Military Foundations, Ribāṭs, and Urbanization
- A Family of Empires of Salvation Religions - The First 300 Years
- Villas, monasterios y almunias en la península ibérica: élites, economía y poder (ss. IV-X), October 24-26, 2024
- The Anthropology of Objects: How can Objects Reveal Processes of Cultural and Social Change?, Dec. 7-8, 2023
- Espacios para el diálogo. La diplomacia hispana entre la república y al-Andalus (ss. III a.C. - IX d.C.), October 19-21, 2023
- Demography, Economy and Law in (Post-)Imperial Worlds, 800 to 1600 CE - Latin Europe and the Western Islamic World in Comparison, Tue., October 17, 2023, 2 pm
- Cities, Objects, and Circulation of Goods in the Maghreb and the Iberian Peninsula, October 5-6, 2023
- North African Study Day: “Al-Muhallabiyyat and More”, July 27, 2023
- Nouvelles approches de la culture matérielle en Algérie romaine et tardive, July 19-20, 2023
- Veneration in Motion in Late Antique and Early Medieval Iberia, July 11-12, 2023
- Kingship and Political Culture in the Visigothic Kingdom, June 29-30, 2023
- Leeds International Medieval Congress, July 4, 2023
- Islamication / Islamization, May 9-10, 2023
- Trade and Trade Posts between North Africa and Italy, April 28, 2023
- I Vandali e il Mediterraneo. politica, economia, cultura, April 20-21, 2023
- Episcopal Leadership. Shaping Power in Gaul and Hispania (IVth-VIIth centuries), March 6-8, 2023
- Still Caput Mundi? The Role of Rome between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages in the Mediterranean area. Part 2: Different forms of urban competition, February 15-17, 2023
- Roman Continuity and Discontinuity in the Vandal Kingdom, December 7-8, 2022
- Reuse in Post-Roman societies: Christian and Islamic attitudes towards ruins and spolia, December 5-6, 2022
- Shifting Cities in the Iberian Peninsula, III BC-IX AD, November 24-26, 2022
- Valles fluviales de Hispania en perspectiva diacrónica - Interdependencia entre hombre y medio ambiente desde la República hasta la ‚long Late Antiquity‘ (ss. III a.C. – IX d.C.), October 20-22, 2022
- Sacralizing the City in late antique Christianity and Early Islam, May 20-21, 2022
- Still 'Caput Mundi'? The Role of Rome between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages in the Western Mediterranean, March 3-5, 2022
- Not the Conquerors’ Religion: Local Beliefs vs. Imperial Religion, February 10-11, 2022
- De Gades a Tánger Med: el futuro de la tradición en el estrecho de Gibraltar, November 11-12, 2021
- Religious Networks as a Catalyst for Commercial Renewal? The Western Mediterranean in the Long Eighth Century, October 28, 2021
- El ejército y la romanización: Hispania y Germania en comparación, October 7-9, 2021
- Why can the dead do such great things? The making of saints in late antique North Africa, September 22-23, 2021
- Noheda. The big villae in late antique Hispania, July 7-9, 2021
- Bishops under Threat, Juni 24-26, 2021
- New Perspectives on Christianity in Late Antiquity, May 12, 2021
- How to read late antique inscriptions in North Africa?, May 6, 2021
- New Perspectives on Romanization and Islamication, September 29 - October 1, 2021
- The Umayyads from West to East: New Perspectives, March 22-23, 2021
- Summerschool
- Guest Lectures
- Highlights
- Publications & Media
- Cooperation
- Library
RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies