Prof. Dr. Cyrille Aillet
I’m a Professor of Islamic Medieval History at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France). As a specialist of the Islamic West (al-Andalus and Maghrib), I mostly deal with political culture, the spread of Islam and Arabic language among local communities and the building of ethnical and religious identities. I first focused my investigations on the Mozarabs of Spain [Les Mozarabes. Islamisation, arabisation et christianisme en péninsule Ibérique (ixe-xiie siècle), 2010]. Then, I headed three projects on Ibāḍism in Medieval North Africa, funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, the Max van Berchem Foundation of Geneva and the Institut universitaire de France. This lead to a book in collaboration with P. Cressier and S. Gilotte, Sedrata. Histoire et archéologie d’un carrefour du Sahara médiéval (2017) and to Conference Proccedings edited by De Gruyter, L’ibadisme dans les sociétés de l’Islam médiéval. Modèles et interactions, Berlin-New York (2018). I’m now preparing the publication of a monograph called L’ibadisme dans le Maghreb médiéval : un archipel des marges.