Prof. Dr. José Miguel Noguera Celdrán
Professor of Archaeology at Universidad de Murcia since April 2011. Main research avenues: 1) Roman sculpture; 2) Romanisation of the Iberian Peninsula; 3) Hispano-Roman cities, Carthago Nova; 4) Landscape archaeology and the Roman countryside; 5) Archaeology and archaeological heritage.
He has further studies at the École Française de Rome and the Deutches Archäologisches Institut, both in Rome, and at the Deutches Archäologisches Institut-Zentrale in Berlin. National Prize for Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage 2012 (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte). Director of international project Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani-España, edited under the aegis of the International Association of Classical Archaeology. Director of journal Archivo Español de Arqueología and Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología (CSIC). Member of the German Archaeological Institute; member of the scientific international committee at DAI-Madrid; and patron of Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática (Cartagena). He has supervised several doctoral theses and curated a number of exhibits. Co-director of excavations at Parque Arqueológico del Molinete, Cartagena. Principal investigator in several nationally- and regionally-funded R&D projects: 5 projects under Plan Nacional de I+D+i MINECO, 9 regional projects including one funded by Universidad de Murcia. In addition, he has directed 6 research contracts, including the scientific direction of Proyecto Parque Arqueológico del Molinete, Cartagena, and 9 archaeological projects under Plan General de la Región de Murcia.
He has participated in several research assessment committees. Reviewer for over 20 national and international journals and member of the editorial committee of a number of national and international journals (e.g. Madrider Mitteilungen).