Prof. Dr. Abdelmouhcin Cheddad
April 2020 / Sep. - Oct. 2020
Research Project: How to Administer the Strait of Gibraltar Region? Study of Ancient Texts
There is no doubt about the grandiose interest of the Strait of Gibraltar region: not only by its strategic position but also by its resources. This space located at the extremity of the western Mediterranean, away from the centers of political power, is an important crossroads of trade and cultures. After collecting a large number of greco-latins texts, we have opted for their classification according to major themes: geography, history, economy and culture. They cover a chronological period which goes from the 12th century BC to the 7th century AD. Concerning the geographical space, it extends on the Spanish coast from Malaga to Cadiz and on that of Morocco from Lixus to oued Laou, of course adding their hinterland.
Our project aims to create a monograph organized according to the themes cited, followed by a synthesis which would reveal the headlines and the particularities of each zone. This study will also allow us to verify until what point we can consider this region as a united area in a ‘‘cultural circle’’ or an ‘‘economic circuit’’. We plan to make available all readers a methodological and conceptual tool which will be used to study the Antiquity of this region and which will allow the exploration of new approaches. In short, we hope to offer a reference work which will lead researches directly towards their objectives.
Prof. Dr. Abdelmouhcin Cheddad is Full Professor of Ancient History at the Abdelmalek Essadi University in Tétouan, Morocco. He conducted his PhD ‘‘Contribution à la connaissance de la région du détroit de Gibraltar pendant l’Antiquité: de la légende à l’intervention romaine’’ under the direction of J. M. Roddaz and P. Sillières at the Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux 3. His research interest focuses on the Strait of Gibraltar during Antiquity. He has participated in various archeological missions such as in Sidi Boulounoire (2014), Oued Ayyacha - oued el Kebir (2013) and el Beniane (2009 and 2010). Further he has been a member of several international research projects such as «Le détroit de Gibraltar, à la croisée des mers et des continents (époques ancienne et médiévale)» (2011-2014).
Selected Publications
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2020), "Tanger à travers ses inscriptions latines", L’epigrafia del Nord de Africa: Novita, riletture, nuove sintesi, (a cura di S. Aounallah, A. Mastino), Epigrafia e Antichita, 45, 171- 182.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2019a), "Le détroit comme espace de crise et de confrontation durant l’Antiquité", in: F. Des Boscs, Y. Dejugnat and A, Haushalter, eds., Le détroit de Gibraltar (Antiquité – Moyen Age), Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 317 – 328.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2019b), "La Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Tanger: contexte historique et bilan des activités (1951- 1956), Espacio, Tiempo y Forma", Serie II Historia Antigua, N° 32, 153- 172.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2017), "La contribution des « Interventors » espagnols au progrès de l’archéologie nord marocaine (1912- 1956)", SPAL, 26, Sevilla, 283- 293.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2013), "Le concept du Cercle du détroit de Gibraltar: une vue de la rive méridionale", L’Africa Romana, 20, Alghero, 855- 871.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2007), "Bassins de salaison au nord du Maroc : état actuel", in: L. Lagostena, D. Bernal y A. Arévalo, eds., Actas del Congreso Internacional CETARIAE, Cadiz Nov. 7-9, 2005, BAR International Series 1686, 191- 194.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2004), "Navigations et périples antiques à travers le détroit de Gibraltar", L’Africa Romana, 16, Rabat, 269- 284.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2004), "Tartessos, une vue de la côte marocaine du détroit", SPAL, 13, Sevilla, 257- 270.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2003), "La société féminine de Tanger à l’époque romaine", Analyse des Inscriptions Latines sur PETRAE, Cultus Splendore 1, Studi in onore di G. Sotgiu, Senorbi, 195- 215.
Cheddad, Abdelmouhcin (2002), "Cohésion et désagrégation dans le circuit du détroit de Gibraltar", L’Africa Romana, 15, Tozeur, 989- 1010.