Dr. Eneko López Martínez de Marigorta
June 2020 - August 2020
Research Project: Governing Beyond the Islamic World with an Interfaith Bridge. The Relation of the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba with the Christian Kingdoms of Leon and Pamplona
During the Umayyad caliphate of Cordoba (316h./929-422h./1031), the Umayyad power and the Christian Kingdoms of Leon and Pamplona maintained complex relationships, with moments of strife, but also of peaceful co-existence. Historiography so far has understood the institutional development and the strengthening of these Christian powers as a result of their belligerency against al-Andalus. However, Arabic and Latin sources suggest that, for most of the caliphal period, the Umayyads imposed their hegemony throughout the Iberian Peninsula and that there was an increasing commitment of the Christians to the Umayyad sovereign. This predominance was possible thanks to the ability of the caliph to temporarily integrate some Christian elites into the hierarchy of the Umayyad power, so that the former began acting as regional representatives for the caliphate. This project sets out the main mechanisms that made this possible: first, ceremonial practices related to the acceptance or the renewal of the loyalty of Christian leaders were similar to the appointments of the Muslim regional governors; second, the granting of luxurious material culture for the representation of the Umayyad power to these Christians, especially the robes of honour; finally, marriage strategies. The project also analyses the benefits of integrating Christian elite into the caliphal hierarchy for both sides.
Dr. Eneko López Martínez de Marigorta born in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1986. He took his Ph.D. in History from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), obtaining the Extraordinary Doctoral Award 2019. To study the configuration of an Arab-Muslim society in al-Andalus during the Umayyad period (8th-11th c.), he acquired a multidisciplinary training that helped him develop skills to deal with all the sources for this place and period: B.A. in History from UPV/EHU and MSc in Archaeology from Autonomous University of Madrid, having also learnt Arabic at Complutense University of Madrid and Damascus University. He completed his training at the Spanish National Research Council (CCHS-CSIC), where he carried out the Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Eduardo Manzano. He has been visiting scholar at Universität Hamburg, Université de Sorbonne Paris IV, the Center for Advanced Study RomanIslam and Denison University, currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at UPV/EHU (Juan de la Cierva-Formación fellowship). His research focuses on the socio-economic history of the Umayyad power in al-Andalus, through two lines: 1) urban and commercial development, and its relation to the Islamization and Arabization processes; 2) the economic production and political use of material culture by the Umayyad dynasty. His research outputs have appeared in high-impact journals/publishers, such as al-Qanṭara, eHumanista. Journal of Iberian Studies, Arqueología y Territorio Medieval, Archaeopress, etc. He has also written the monograph Mercaderes, Artesanos y Ulemas: Las Ciudades de las Coras de Ilbira y Pechina en Época Omeya (Universidad de Jaén), and is co-author, together with Eduardo Manzano, of the book Medina Azahara (National Geographic).
Selected Publications
López Martínez de Marigorta, Eneko (2020a), "Review" of Panzram, Sabine; Callegarin, Laurent (eds.), Entre Civitas y Madina. El mundo de las ciudades en la Península Ibérica y en el Norte de África (siglos IV-IX), Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2018, 393. Edad Media. Revista de Historia, 21, 1-5.
López Martínez de Marigorta, Eneko (2020b), Mercaderes, artesanos y ulemas. Las ciudades de las coras de Ilbīra y Pechina en época omeya, Jaén: Editorial de la Universidad de Jaén.
López Martínez de Marigorta, Eneko (2019), “La colaboración entre las instituciones cristianas y el poder omeya desde la óptica de Eliberri y Urci”, eHumanista, Journal of Iberian Studies, 41, 1-18.
López Martínez de Marigorta, Eneko / Manzano Moreno, Eduardo (2018), Medina Azahara, Barcelona: Colección Arqueología de National Geographic, RBA.
López Martínez de Marigorta, Eneko (2016), “Emisiones monetarias de los reinos de taifas (siglo Vh./XI d.C.): una nueva metodología para su estudio", in: Actas de las V Jornadas de Investigación del Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la UAM, Madrid: Ediciones UAM, 453-465.
López Martínez de Marigorta, Eneko (2015), “Acuñaciones monetarias de al-Andalus en la primera mitad del siglo V/XI: fin de un modelo, consolidación de las emisiones regionales”, Al-Qanṭara, 36.1, 69-106.
López Martínez de Marigorta, Eneko (2012), “La vía califal entre Córdoba y Toledo. Propuesta metodológica de integración de la ruta a su entorno físico mediante SIG”, Arqueología y Territorio Medieval, 19, 33-58.