Prof. Dr. Sabine Panzram
Sabine Panzram is Professor of Ancient History at Hamburg University. She obtained her PhD at Münster University (2001) after completing her studies in Freiburg and Barcelona. She has had several positions at the Universities of Münster, Tübingen and Hamburg, has been a Research Fellow of the German Research Foundation at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin (2010-2012) and has held a Marie Curie Senior Fellowship at the École des Hautes Études Hispaniques et Ibériques – Casa de Velázquez in Madrid (2018-2019). Currently, she is a visiting professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
She focuses on social history of power in the Western Mediterranean, and in particular on urban history in the Iberian Peninsula. At the moment she is preparing a study on Christendom without Church. The genesis of an institution in the dioecesis Hispaniarum (4th to 7th centuries). She is co-editor of the collection The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World (Brill) and the journal and collection Historia – Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte / Einzelschriften (Steiner-Verlag), amongst others.
Since 2010 she is coordinator of Toletum, an interdisciplinary network for early career researchers focusing on the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity (DFG). Since 2020 she is director of RomanIslam – Center for Compared Empire and Transcultural Studies, a Center for Advanced Studies in Hamburg University (DFG) with Stefan Heidemann (Islamic Studies). And since 2021 she is principal investigator of ATLAS, an atlas of late antique cities in the South of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa (3rd – 8th centuries) (ANR-DFG) with Laurent Brassous (La Rochelle).
Selected Publications
Panzram, Sabine / Orozco de la Torre, Olivia / Bernard, Gwladys, eds., (2023a), De Gades a Tánger Med: la tradición del futuro en el Estrecho de Gibraltar (Awraq. Revista de análisis y pensamiento sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo 21), Madrid/Córdoba: Casa Árabe.
Panzram, Sabine / Poveda Arias, Pablo, eds., (2023b), Bishops under Threat. Contexts and Episcopal Strategies in the Late Antique and Early Medieval West (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 150), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Panzram, Sabine / Knie, Katharina / Livorsi, Lorenzo / Selvaggi, Rocco (2022), Iberia Pontificia, vol. VII. Hispania Romana und Visigothica (Regesta Pontificum Romanorum), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Panzram, Sabine / Pachá, Paulo, eds., (2021), The Visigothic Kingdom: The Negotiation of Power in Post-Roman lberia (Late Antique and Early Medieval Iberia), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Panzram, Sabine, (2020a), "Living like a Cosmopolitan? On Port City Societies in the Western Mediterranean", in: P. Arnaud and S. Keay (eds.), Roman Port Societies. The Evidence of Inscriptions (= British School at Rome Studies), Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 216-240.
Panzram, Sabine, (2020b), "¿Tarraco tardorromana sigue siendo Tarraco? A propósito de continuidad o discontinuidad de una capital de provincia", in: D. Moreau and R. González Salinero, eds., Academica Libertas. Essais en l’honneur du professeur Javier Arce (Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive, 39), Paris: Brepols, 193-209.
Panzram, Sabine / Brassous, Laurent, eds. (2019a), El espacio provincial en la Península Ibérica (Antigüedad tardía – Alta Edad Media) / L’espace provincial dans la péninsule Ibérique (Antiquité tardive – Haut Moyen Âge), Madrid: Casa de Velázquez.
Panzram, Sabine, eds. (2019b), The Power of Cities: The Iberian Peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World 70), Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Panzram, Sabine / Callegarin, Laurent, eds., (2018), Entre civitas y madīna. El mundo de las ciudades en la Península Ibérica y en el norte de África (siglos IV-IX) (Collection de la Casa de Velázques 167), Madrid: Casa de Velázquez.
Panzram, Sabine, eds. (2017), Oppidum – civitas – urbs. Städteforschung auf der Iberischen Halbinsel zwischen Rom und al-Andalus (Geschichte und Kultur der Iberischen Welt 13), Berlin: LIT Verlag.