Martin Grosch
Research Project
Coming soon.
Martin Grosch is a cartographer. In his work, he uses the latest cartographic methods and visual approaches to graphically implement historical, social and natural events and developments. He obtain his Diploma (FH) in Cartography from TFH Berlin (now Beuth University of Applied Sciences). From 2005 to 2012, he was a member of the Collaborative Research Centre 586 "Difference and Integration" of the Universities of Halle and Leipzig, and from 2008 also of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography Leipzig. He there took charge of the cartography in two projects and acquired extensive knowledge in the cartographic realization of historical geographical research (Atlas der Beduinen unter dem Sultanat 564–734/1169–1334, forthcoming). Following a research fellowship at the Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg Bonn (2012–2014), Martin Grosch joined the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies of the University of Tübingen from 2014 to 2020, taking part in the establishment of the "Islamic History Geodata Initiative". In addition, he develops and provides cartographic products for national and international international academic publishers as a freelancer.
Selected Publications
[1 map of Morocco and 1 map of the Near East in:] al-Yūsī, al-Ḥasan (2020a), The Discourses. Reflections on History, Sufism, Theology, and Literature. Volume One. Ed. by Justin Stearns (Library of Arabic Literature, 16), New York: New York University Press.
[1 map of India in:] Kozah, Mario (2020b), The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali by Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī, New York: New York University Press.
[5 maps of Hungary in:] Bodó, Béla (2019), The White Terror: Antisemitic and Political Violence in Hungary, 1919-1921, London [et al.]: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
[4 redrawing of historical illustrations, 1 map of North Africa and 1 map of the region Darfur in:] al-Tūnisī, Muḥammad (2018a), In Darfur. An Account of the Sultanate and Its People, Volume Two. Ed. Humphrey Davies (Library of Arabic Literature, 15), New York: New York University Press.
[2 maps of the Near East in:] Shaddād, ʿAntarah ibn (2018b), War Songs. Ed. by James E. Montgomery (Library of Arabic Literature, 15), New York: New York University Press.
[3 maps of Baghdad in:] al-Sāʿī, Ibn (2015), Consorts of the Caliphs. Women and the Court of Baghdad. Ed. by Shawkat M. Toorawa, New York [et al.]: New York University Press.
[1 map of Asia and 1 map of Central Asia in:] al-Sīrāfī, Abū Zayd / Faḍlān, Ahmad ibn (2014), Two Arabic Travel Books. Accounts of China and India and Mission to the Volga. Ed. by Tim Mackintosh-Smith and James E. Montgomery (Library of Arabic Literature, 17), New York [et al.]: New York University Press.
[6 maps of the Near East, 6 maps of Palestine and 4 city maps (Jerusalem, Hebron, Gaza and Jaffa) in:] Büssow, Johann (2011), Hamidian Palestine. Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem 1872 – 1908 (The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage, Volume 46), Leiden [et al.]: Brill.
Grosch, Martin / Häser, Jutta (2004), "Ein archäologisches Internet-Geoinformationssystem für die Oase Ibrā' in Oman", Baghdader Mitteilungen 35, 103-119.