Dominik Kloss
Research Project: Scholar’s letters between Germany and Spain in the second half of the 19th century – the correspondence of Jacobo Zobel with Emil Hübner
So far, the early life of Jacobo Zobel de Zangroniz (1842-1896), heir of a pharmacist in Manila, who grew up in Hamburg and starting a career as numismatist in Spain, has not yet been considered as a promising source. But being in touch by letter with – and supporting the work of – the outstanding epigraphist Emil Hübner for decades, Zobel’s correspondence offers a multiform view on the interaction of supranational academic milieus arising the new humanism. Exceeding insights in field research, publishing, and curatorial practice during the 1860s are standing beside valuable social, ethnographic, and political observations. Based upon the preparing and contextualizing of Zobel’s letters in a usable edition, my research project aims to increase the familiarity of this underestimated scholar’s testimonies.
Concluding the studies of History as well as Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean at the University of Hamburg in 2011, Dominik Kloss wrote his M.A. thesis “Umkämpfte Mauern – Stadtbefestigungen in der Wahrnehmung antiker Zeitgenossen”, which examined the anthropological implications of ancient city walls in broader regional and chronological perspective. Afterwards he expanded his interdisciplinary expertise inter alia as an archive assistant, Journal advisor, curator, and lecturer. Thereby his regional experience as freelancer in local museums and board member of the Association for Hamburgian History (VHG) complements his research interests in the classics and neighbouring fields (focussing on the impact of the Ancient Near East in the Ancient Mediterranean, roman urbanism, and its reception). Currently he works as Research Assistant to Prof. Sabine Panzram at the DFG-funded RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies.
Selected Publications
Kloss, Dominik / Panzram, Sabine (2022), Die 50 bekanntesten archäologischen Stätten in Spanien, Mainz am Rhein: Nünnerich-Asmus.
Kloss, Dominik (2020), „Kanonen un Blomen. 200 Jahre grüner Wallring“, Hamburg History Live! Magazin 13, 52-67.
Kloss, Dominik (2018a), „Freiheit(en) hinter hohen Wällen. Ambivalenzen in der vormodernen Wahrnehmung der neuzeitlichen Stadtbefestigungen in Hamburg“, Anachronia 14, 60-70.
Kloss, Dominik (2016), „Mit Mauern leben – mithilfe von Mauern erzählen. Vom assoziativen Potential antiker Stadtbefestigungen und seiner Bedeutung für die Ausprägung und Nachwirkung frühgriechischer Dichtung und Bildsprache“, Visual Past 3.1, 339-365.
Kloss, Dominik (2015a), „La Liberté" an der Elbe. Otto Marcus’ Altonia und die republikanischen Freiheiten im preußischen Hinterzimmer“, Netz+Werk. Junge Hamburger Geschichte Online.
Kloss, Dominik (2015b), „Die Hamburger Zollanschlussfeierlichkeiten 1888 als Medienereignis“, in: Olaf Matthes, ed., Stadtbildwandel, Hamburg in Fotografien 1870 – 1914/2014; Ausstellung Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg/Hamburg Museum, Hamburg: Junius, 64-69.