Dr. Janine Lehmann
April 2022 - September 2022
Research Project: From City to Housing? Houses as Indicator of Transformation in Hispanic Cities in Late Antiquity
The so-called villa boom at the 4th century AD was long time placed in a direct relationship to the dependence on decreasing construction measures including public buildings in the cities. From this discrepancy, also in view of the spreading Christian faith, an urban exodus and decline in the cities and ruralization was inferred. However, as recent research has shown, the desire for a certain renovation of residences with sometimes very luxurious architecture and furnishings existed both in the countryside and the cities. If we want to understand the transformation of ancient cities at the transition to Late Antiquity, then we should pay special attention to the changes in residential architecture.
In this project, the preferred seats of the elite in the capitals of Hispania will be emphasized by showing their transformation triggered by residential buildings. In the sense of a transformation of the existing, it is essential to determine when the first signs of a “domestic reconception” appear and when, consequently, the beginning is to be set. The first three centuries AD must therefore not be ignored nor the subsequent period up to the 6th century AD when such residential buildings ended. A temporal focus, however, lies between the 2nd and 4th century AD, which encloses a time window with peak and trough phases of building activities. This time span can thus be used to examine the extent to which the residential buildings reflect historical developments such as the supposed crisis of the empire in the 3rd century, an economic flourishing in the 2nd century, or the broader reforms under Diocletian and Constantine. The work will determine how the transformation of urban structures are evaluated against the background of an empire-wide development.
Dr. Janine Lehmann studied Classical Archaeology, Ancient History and Egyptology in Göttingen and Cologne. Already in her master's thesis, she worked on architectural forms in Hispania at the time of the late Republic. This work and the subsequent dissertation on the early Roman monumentalisation of sites was accompanied by several research stays in Spain amongst others by supporting with two doctoral scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Madrid, Tarragona and Córdoba. Following her dissertation, she was awarded a three-year grant by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) to pursue her research on Roman architectural decoration in the province of Lusitania in the Madrid Department, its research unit in Lisbon, and in Portuguese museums. Due to these and other projects, she has developed a research focus on Roman archaeology in the West, especially the Iberian Peninsula. In this context, she focuses on transculturation phenomena in the course of the Roman occupation (settlement, sculpture, architecture, etc.) as well as maritime connectivities and local particularities. Most recently, she worked as a research assistant at the Department of Classical Archaeology in Leipzig.
Selected Publications
Lehmann, Janine (2021), "Fischer, Landleute und andere Genrefiguren in den Provinzen der iberischen Halbinsel", in: Martin Dorka Moreno / Jochen Griesbach / Johannes, eds., Rezeptionsprozesse antiker Statuenschemata in den Provinzen des römischen Reichs = Appropriation Processes of Statue Schemata in the Roman Provinces, Material Appropriation Processes in Antiquity 1, Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 93–121.
Lehmann, Janine (2020), "Material und Symbol. Zum neuartigen Marmorglanz augusteischer Bauten und Plätze in der Lusitania", in: Katja Piesker / Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, eds., Umgebaut. Umbau-, Umnutzungs- und Umwertungsprozesse in der antiken Architektur (DiskAB 13), Regensburg: Schnell&Steiner, 267–282.
Lehmann, Janine (2018), "Lenguaje imperial. El diálogo entre la decoración arquitectónica y escultórica de un edificio monumental en Pax Iulia (Beja)", in: Carlos Márquez / David Ojeda Nogales, eds., Escultura romana en Hispania VIII. Homenaje a Luis Baena del Alcázar, Cordoba: UCOPress, 473–493.
Lehmann, Janine (2017), "Gegen den Strom – Zum Revival traditioneller Sepulkralplastik im kaiserzeitlichen Hispanien", in: Sabine Panzram, ed., Oppidum – civitas – urbs. Städteforschung auf der Iberischen Halbinsel zwischen Rom und al-Andalus (Geschichte und Kultur der Iberischen Welt 13), Berlin: LIT Verlag, 239–262.
Lehmann, Janine (2014), "Die Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen. Konstanten und Dynamiken antiker Bauornamentik am Beispiel hispanischer Fundgruppen", in: Johannes Lipps / Dominik Maschek, eds., Antike Bauornamentik. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten ihrer Erforschung (Studien zur antiken Stadt 12), Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 139–153.
Lehmann, Janine (2012), "Loca Sacra of the Iberian Peninsula and the Meaning of Monumentality in Time," in: Martin Furholt / Martin Hinz / Doris Mischka, eds., “As time goes by?” Monumentality, Landscapes and the Temporal Perspective. Proceedings of the International Workshop Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the last 12.000 years. The creation of landscapes II, Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt, 257–263.