Martin Horst
Research Project: Clarissimi and Curiales as Bishops? Network Analysis in Gaul
Coming soon.
Martin Horst has spent the years from 2016 to 2021 gaining first a BA in History and Classical Archaeology and subsequently an MA in History from the University of Hamburg. During the entirety of his studies, he has kept one foot in the area of Medieval History and the other firmly planted in Ancient History. This is obvious in his BA thesis, which covered the reception of the antique cityscape of Rome in the Carolingian era. A pronounced interest in the field of experimental archaeology has kept him involved in related projects, seminars and excursions whenever possible. Consequently, the archaeological record also played a major role in his MA thesis. Under the title of “Der Kaiser, die Kirche und die Senatoren – Zur Selbstdarstellung einer sozialen Gruppierung in Rom und Arles (4.-6. Jh.)”, he has taken a comparative look at the epigraphic record, the senatorial domus and the Sarcophagi with regard to their usage as means of senatorial self-representation in late antique Rome and Arles. Afterwards, he has joined RomanIslam as a Research Associate while working on his doctoral thesis on the role of the secular networks of those bishops of late antique Gaul that came from an aristocratic background. To that end, he is collating a database of their known contacts from letter collections, conciliar records, epigraphical evidence and literary mentions. A research stay at the German Historical Institute in Paris from September to December 2022 has been especially helpful in this regard.
Selected Publications
Horst, Martin (in press), "Bishops between Reform and Heresy: Priscillian, Martin of Tours and Magnus Maximus", in: S. Panzram and P. Poveda Arias, eds., Bishops under Threat: Contexts and Episcopal Strategies in Late Antique and Early Medieval West, Berlin: De Gruyter.
Horst, Martin (2023), "Abschlussbericht des Stipendiums am DHI Paris", Deutsch-Französisches Mediävistenforum, 2.3.2023,
Grotherr, Kevin / Horst, Martin, "Conference report: Ciudad y Antigüedad tardía: avances y perspectivas", H-Soz-Kult, 05.04.2022,