Call for Papers Extended DeadlineCfP Military Foundations, Ribāṭs, and UrbanizationWorkshop
2 January 2024

Photo: © J. F. Esteban Barahona
The RomanIslam Center (Early Islam) invites abstracts for the workshop "Military Foundations, Ribāts, and Urbanization" February 1–2, 2024, organized by Stefan Heidemann and Kurt Franz.
The workshop wants to challenge the ongoing discourse on the origins of the ‘Islamic’ city. It looks at military settlements and the presence of garrisons as a driving force of colonialization as well as the proliferation of Islamic civilization. Using a comparative approach to Empire Studies, the workshop aims at looking at cases of military city foundations in empires that were likewise founded by conquering military elites promoting at the same time a salvation religion, i.e., the Roman and Hispanic empires